Elektronische ECM-Motoren mit Umrichterregelung, angewandt auf Hydronikmodule; Elektronische Filter und deren Anwendung bei Gebläsekonvektoren und Klimazentralgeräten; Indoor Air Quality - allgemeine Standards und geltende Rechtsvorschriften gemäß den Vorgaben der WHO Zwecke der Lüftung abgegrenzter Räume und Einsatz geeigneter Luftfilter - Rechtsvorschriften und Auswahlkriterien Die neuen Leitlinien bezüglich der prädiktiven Instandhaltung von Klimatisierungsanlagen - Amtsblatt Nr. 256 vom 3.11.2006; Präsentation und Erörterung der neuen Norm 10339 Rev. 1 im Wege der Genehmigung. Lüftung von Wohn- und Nichtwohngebäuden zur Ergänzung der europäischen Norm EN 13779/2008 und eingeführte Neuheiten. Erörterung der durch die neue Norm 10339/Rev. 1 eingeführten Berechnungsmethoden in Bezug auf die Neufassung der Norm 11300 (Prüfung des Energieverbrauchs). Praktisches Beispiel für die Anwendung der „IAQ-Berechnung“ bei einer nach UNI 10339 Rev. 1 und EN 13779:2008 konstruierten Anlage.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) - General Standards, legislation and regulations in force. The purpose of ventilation in confined environments to maintain the IQ (norms and criteria of choice). Legislation on Predictive Maintenance of Air Conditioning Systems. VMC in residential area. Air filtration - product regulations in place in relation to quality and energy aspects. Active electrostatic filtration - Peculiar features of the solution. Presentation and discussion of the new Norm UNI 10339 Rev. to the completion of the European Standard UNI EN 13779/2008. Presentation of standards currently under revision on ventilation issues (EN 16798) and air filtration (ISO 16890). Examples of applications in the design of new buildings or retraining of existing ones. Performance Method and "IAQ Calculation" Software (according to current norm). Energy analysis and relative return on investment - Comparative between active electrostatic system and medium mechanical system.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) - General Standards, legislation and regulations in force. The purpose of ventilation in confined environments to maintain the IQ (norms and criteria of choice). Legislation on Predictive Maintenance of Air Conditioning Systems. VMC in residential area. Air filtration - product regulations in place in relation to quality and energy aspects. Active electrostatic filtration - Peculiar features of the solution. Presentation and discussion of the new Norm UNI 10339 Rev. to the completion of the European Standard UNI EN 13779/2008. Presentation of standards currently under revision on ventilation issues (EN 16798) and air filtration (ISO 16890). Examples of applications in the design of new buildings or retraining of existing ones. Performance Method and "IAQ Calculation" Software (according to current norm). Energy analysis and relative return on investment - Comparative between active electrostatic system and medium mechanical system.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) - General Standards, legislation and regulations in force. The purpose of ventilation in confined environments to maintain the IQ (norms and criteria of choice). Legislation on Predictive Maintenance of Air Conditioning Systems. VMC in residential area. Air filtration - product regulations in place in relation to quality and energy aspects. Active electrostatic filtration - Peculiar features of the solution. Presentation and discussion of the new Norm UNI 10339 Rev. to the completion of the European Standard UNI EN 13779/2008. Presentation of standards currently under revision on ventilation issues (EN 16798) and air filtration (ISO 16890). Examples of applications in the design of new buildings or retraining of existing ones. Performance Method and "IAQ Calculation" Software (according to current norm). Energy analysis and relative return on investment - Comparative between active electrostatic system and medium mechanical system.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) - General Standards, legislation and regulations in force. The purpose of ventilation in confined environments to maintain the IQ (norms and criteria of choice). Legislation on Predictive Maintenance of Air Conditioning Systems. VMC in residential area. Air filtration - product regulations in place in relation to quality and energy aspects. Active electrostatic filtration - Peculiar features of the solution. Presentation and discussion of the new Norm UNI 10339 Rev. to the completion of the European Standard UNI EN 13779/2008. Presentation of standards currently under revision on ventilation issues (EN 16798) and air filtration (ISO 16890). Examples of applications in the design of new buildings or retraining of existing ones. Performance Method and "IAQ Calculation" Software (according to current norm). Energy analysis and relative return on investment - Comparative between active electrostatic system and medium mechanical system.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) - General Standards, legislation and regulations in force. The purpose of ventilation in confined environments to maintain the IQ (norms and criteria of choice). Legislation on Predictive Maintenance of Air Conditioning Systems. VMC in residential area. Air filtration - product regulations in place in relation to quality and energy aspects. Active electrostatic filtration - Peculiar features of the solution. Presentation and discussion of the new Norm UNI 10339 Rev. to the completion of the European Standard UNI EN 13779/2008. Presentation of standards currently under revision on ventilation issues (EN 16798) and air filtration (ISO 16890). Examples of applications in the design of new buildings or retraining of existing ones. Performance Method and "IAQ Calculation" Software (according to current norm). Energy analysis and relative return on investment - Comparative between active electrostatic system and medium mechanical system.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) - General Standards, legislation and regulations in force. The purpose of ventilation in confined environments to maintain the IQ (norms and criteria of choice). Legislation on Predictive Maintenance of Air Conditioning Systems. VMC in residential area. Air filtration - product regulations in place in relation to quality and energy aspects. Active electrostatic filtration - Peculiar features of the solution. Presentation and discussion of the new Norm UNI 10339 Rev. to the completion of the European Standard UNI EN 13779/2008. Presentation of standards currently under revision on ventilation issues (EN 16798) and air filtration (ISO 16890). Examples of applications in the design of new buildings or retraining of existing ones. Performance Method and "IAQ Calculation" Software (according to current norm). Energy analysis and relative return on investment - Comparative between active electrostatic system and medium mechanical system.